Services: Manufacturing

Your Partner in Production

When you’re preparing for a mission, time is critical—the last thing you need is a major delay in production. At Griffon, we understand that urgency.

With our vertically-integrated manufacturing infrastructure and reliable supply chain, we’ve got the capabilities to build and deliver rapidly and at scale. In fact, we produce over 100 aircraft in our facilities each month—an unmatched level of production.

So whether your mission requires aerospace production, prototype manufacturing, or testing, our manufacturing team offers the service you need—when you need it.


Composite Manufacturing

Precision Machining

Electrical Harness

Metal Fabrication

Systems Integration

Rapid Prototyping


Griffon Aerospace to continue supporting the FTUAS program! | 5/24/24

Griffon Aerospace is honored to continue supporting the FTUAS program after being selected for Options 3 and 4. This is […]

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